Friday, January 01, 2010

auld lang syne

new years resolutions:

{1}update blog more often
I promise to write more posts and provide more entertainment than I did in 2009! it still won't be daily updates but I've decided to view my blog as my digital scrapbook (since I stopped traditional scrapbooking a few years ago). in fact, I will start back posting events that happened in 2009 so be on the lookout for those soon.

{2}explore more
my goal is to take a day or overnight trip quarterly somewhere around the puget sound area. I live in a "bubble" in my little world and don't move outside of it unless I have to. let's shake things up a bit. :)

love you all and my hope for you is peace and joy this new year.
make it good everyone!


David said...

welcome back!

Orangelady said...

We both plan on being more consistent with keeping up on our blogs. Yea for the new year!

erik said...

Perhaps one of your quarter trips could be to Vancouver... We just got wireless in our home...

Hailey said...

I ditto David's comment! I seriously checked just for the heck of it to see if you were actually back to blogging. I almost cried when I saw new posts! Yes - I know I'm being dramatic.