Sunday, February 10, 2008

happy birthday katie

today is my sister's 25th birthday.

here are 25 things I love about my sister…

1. she has great hair

2. she has great taste in music

3. and can tell you who sings almost every song that comes on the radio
4. her inseam is something crazy like 34 inches

5. that girls has some long legs

6. she looks awesome in hats

7. she has a tattoo

8. it was her christmas present from me

9. her favorite flower is the poppy

10. her favorite color is orange

11. she just got her first job since she graduated from school

12. actually, she is kicking butt with two jobs

13. if anyone needs a barium enema or chest x-ray, she's your gal

14. she loves jesus

15. she has helped me move five times
16. and is an expert in organizing kitchens
17. she once walked into a closed sliding glass door

18. and is able to laugh about it now

19. she loves the movie "tommy boy"

20. and can quote LOTS of lines
from the movie
21. she loves trader joe's pineapple salsa

22. she HATES olives with a passion

23. she helped me set up my myspace page

24. she has a thing for coats

25. and owns about ten of them

happy birthday kate.

I love you.


dishes and laundry said...

Happy Birthday, Kate!

I have a crazy inseam measurement too - only it's like 29. Tommy Boy is a favorite of mine and so is pineapple salsa!!

Have a great day!!

Hailey said...

Love this post! Such a cute sis you have!!

Orangelady said...

I love this!!!! I laughed about the random things you talked about. Like the sliding glass door... Thank you so much for doing this. I want to keep it forever! I love you and can't wait for you to visit.

pinklady said...

dishes: you are funny! my inseam is somewhere in between yours and katie's but I'm pretty sure it's crazy too! glad you share our love of "tommy boy" and pineapple salsa.

hai: glad you liked it. she is pretty cute isn't she?! ;-)

kate: so glad you can laugh about the sliding glass door now. it was pretty funny even though you were horrified at the time! (hee hee) thanks for a great visit this past weekend. stay tuned for a post about it all.