“say anything”
my favorite movie of all time. I’m not sure I can explain exactly how it achieves this coveted spot but I love john cusack and the talky, fidgety character he plays…so real. my favorite song originates from this movie (“in your eyes” peter gabriel) plus it is filmed in seattle so I can pick lots of landmarks out which is fun. like it says on the framed movie poster I have in my hallway (courtesy of my cousin erin), "a lloyd meets girl story"...I love that line because he's not just any boy, as in "boy meets girl" story, he's lloyd and that makes all the difference.

my favorite smells are: fresh cut grass, concord grapes during harvest, plumeria (or just the smell of hawaii when you get off the plane), christmas (cinnamon, baked goods, woodfire outside, etc.). there are scents that you smell and they immediately take you back to a memory…like coconut lime verbena bath and body works lotion, it’s like hailey and I are in italy again…or the smell of fish as I walk from the bus stop to my office in the morning is a happy reminder that I live near the sea again! do you have scents like that?

sandwich artist
I worked at subway during my junior and senior year in high school…wanna know why? because a cute boy worked there. how pathetic am I right? I smelled like vinegar and meat for two years for a boy! can you believe it? somehow it made sense back then, and sometimes still does. funny story, he’s a singer/songwriter now, loves jesus, and is in a band…crazy. (I had the greatest picture of me in my uniform but it’s currently lost in the craziness that is my storage room…stay tuned and I’ll try to find it this weekend when I finally give in to the procrastination.)

I am NOT a morning person…let me repeat, I am NOT a morning person. this is not to say that I do not love getting up early, getting things done and feeling productive, I do. it’s just that the act of getting up is hard for me. as many can attest, my rules are as follows: please don’t speak within the first hour of rising, make sure to have a diet pepsi on hand for emergencies, and always, always carry your camera in order to capture photos like these (although not the best, they are taken directly out the front window of my apartment).

(this doesn't really go with "s" but I thought I'd follow up)
according to the lab report, "there is no evidence of residual junctional lentiginous nevus with moderate dysplasia identified" which means in layman's terms: NO MORE ATYPICAL CELLS, my mole is gone and all is well. I went in today to get my stitches out and the pathology report was back with good news. another check in six months and then its back to once a year, yahoo!
I have scents just like the ones you said...fall grapes, after rain smell, Christmas pine trees. Scents are very powerful things.
I am ashamed to say I have never watched Say Anything all the way through before (don't hate me), although I do have the soundtrack. Isn't that weird? I will watch the movie soon, I promise.
Praise the Lord that your mole was okay! yeah!! phew! Thank you jesus for that.
love your scents . . .
marilyn: I will forgive your "say anything" transgressions but do watch it, I think you will enjoy it! I don't think it's weird to have the soundtrack even if you've never seen or even liked a movie...I have those for sure!
hai: YAHOO!
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