I’ve been only once but still can find myself transported back simply by a scent or thought. audrey hepburn was in another of my favorite movies “roman holiday” which first brought the city to life for me. that coupled with my mother and grandmother’s stories of their visit had me starry eyed…it lived WAY up to its expectations! there are some who aren’t in love with the big city and crazy driving and it entails...but I am. IN LOVE I tell you.

real simple
this is one of my other favorite magazines (see e is for…) which just so happens to be even sweeter because my cousin lisa gives this subscription as a gift each year on my birthday. can you believe the generosity? I devour each issue as they arrive, usually twice or even three times before I start to rip and cut things out. I know, it sounds savage but I don’t have the space to keep every magazine so I am relegated to saving only the pages that speak to me. these then get filed in numerous ways (which I should have spoke about yesterday in q is for…hee hee). also, have you noticed the quality of paper they use? it is details like this that have made me a real simple reader for life. long story short―this magazine rocks!

I'll have to try Real Simple out again, I wan't hooked the first time I tried it, but when you mention great paper then...I'm curious.
maryilyn: I really do think you'll notice the paper and how much nicer it is than other magazines...I know how much you love paper of all kinds!
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