Thursday, November 15, 2007

calling a time out

this isn't an encyclopedia of me entry but I'm just not feeling up to it tonight. there are things to ponder, paragraphs to write, photos to match...and I just can't do it tonight.

I'm still smarting from my biopsy (all I can think of when I say/write/type this word is that line from MBFGW about the aunt's "bibopsy"...thanks dishes! beware of movie quote mondays) on a suspect mole which was in a tender place (bikini line). just moving about is a tad uncomfortable.

my birthday is tomorrow which means family dinner at aunt b's house (chop suey, yum) and then saturday we're having an apartment building mixer of which I'm a host. we're doing it progressive style with apps at theanne's apartment (#103), then munchies at margaret's place (#203) finishing up with dessert at my house (#303). sounds pretty fun right? even though I probably shouldn't be, I've been cleaning trying to get ready since I know I won't have time tomorrow.

all this to encyclopedia post tonight.

stay tuned...I'll try to get my act together tomorrow!


Marilyn said...

Jenny, I hope you feel better soon, have a GREAT BIRTHDAY and have a fun apartment mixer!

Hailey said...

Happy birthday to a beautiful woman!!

dishes and laundry said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!

Hope you had a fabulous day and that your bibopsy turns out okay.

Thanks for the mention!

pinklady said...

thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!

biopsy results should be in by wednesday so stay tuned for the update later this week. the stitches are feeling much better...YEA!