Friday, October 31, 2008

the peasant princess

right now, my church is doing the BEST sermon series on the song of solomon (song of songs).

an excerpt from the sermon guide:
"the song of songs is a series of poetic love songs that not only describe the relationship between a husband and wife, but also serve as an illustration of the eternal heart of God, for those who are married to Christ, our beloved. and as the book title suggests, the song of songs is perhaps the greatest lyric ever composed—a warm dialogue between two lovers, a conversation of the heart that crescendos into a beautiful duet. this poetic exchange reflects the very heart of our trinitarian god from whom love, intimacy, and musical expression fl ow."

full sermon guide here

sermon downloads here

even as a single woman, there is much to learn about intimacy and marriage and I'm so thankful for this series. if you have an hour or so, grab your husband, boyfriend or friends and hunker down for an amazing sermon. seriously, it's beyond amazing. mark speaks from the bible, from the heart, and loves jesus.

1 comment:

Hailey said...

I can't wait to listen. thanks for posting this.