their birthday parties were last saturday. first a friend party during the afternoon and then a family party for dinner.

hunter is wearing his new darth vader costume and playing with his new matchbox cars.
five things I love about hunter:
1. he is goofy and makes great faces
2. his favorite thing to do is make people laugh
3. he likes to say "booty"
4. he loves his sisters and big brother
5. he likes to sing

poor hailey was sick and throwing up so she only made one short appearance. sweet little thing.
five things I love about hailey:
1. she is an artist and loves to draw
2. she loves to pose for photos
3. she is a little mother to hunter
4. she is a thinker
5. she knows what she wants

mom and dad tried wii for the first time. it was hilarious to watch! I think they had fun. they got really into it and scored really high in bowling. I was impressed.

see the peanut gallery? hunter kept trying to teach them the right way to do things.

and the night ended with the usual almost 5 year old melt down. poor guy. too much stimulation in one day.
happy birthday guys!
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