1) be open to opportunities (personal, career, everything) 2) have more consistent quiet time 3) be able to walk up queen anne hill without passing out 4) live in the moment: not the overly planned future 5) stretch on a consistent basis

thank you and goodnight.
Yay for resolutions! Can't wait to see pictures of all your projects! Fabric walls are divine!
Okay . . . must say that i'm so proud of you for the content of this post! Seriously - I know what a huge deal this was and i'm impressed! I love ALL of your goals. I'd gladly meet the walking up Queene Anne with you if I was near, and i LOVE the fabric walls - like the squares and circles. Love ya!
Great resolutions - sounds like you are taking care of yourself - something women just don't do enough of.
Happy New Year!
thank you, thank you! I'm just thrilled to have this blog as an outlet, even if it's new and a little unkown. feedback from friends is immeasurable!
dandee: I will for sure post photos as I complete projects...love to view yours too!
hai: thank you. it is a big step for me but I'm feeling glad to have done it. and yes, please fly up here and walk the hill with me, I NEED you!
dishes: I'm trying, really trying.
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