vivien is 19 months old and talking A LOT. she says my name (heart: melt) and "I love you" and her colors and numerous letters/numbers. she is in the "I REALLY like my mommy" stage but she still would come to me and play with me and sit with me which I loved.

thank you for saying my name and coming straight away to me friday night after being so rudely woken up. even in your stupor you recognized me and it made me so happy!
I love that your little tutu skirt almost fits. you will love to twirl and dance in it for sure! make sure to have mommy take a video of you so aunt jenny can see you in action.
thank you for being so good when spending time with your daddy so your mommy and I could go to the movies and visit friends. I know you made his life easier but you also made your mommy less worried and your aunt jenny much less guilty for stealing your mommy away.
I loved when you sat on the bathroom counter with your feet in the sink so you could watch me get ready in the morning. your fascination with makeup and my hairbrush had me laughing!
thank you for playing with my jewelry so gently but so adorably. you were having so much fun I almost couldn't bear to take the ring and bracelet with me when I left.
I love that whenever you see a camera, you say "cheese" instinctively. and more often than not, your face squishes up and sometimes you look sad instead of smiley but I know you are really having fun.
thank you for making me smile when you sat on the yellow, pillow at desert willow!
love, aunt jenny

go here for more pictures of vivien and me
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