1. christmas tree (it’s fake, I’m sorry) filled with ornaments that mean a lot
2. nativity made by my dad
3. view of downtown seattle lights
4. my grandma’s afghan (it’s not christmas”y” but it make feel cozy)
5. sparkly lights in the window
6. christmas ball that always hung in my grandma’s dining room and everyone ALWAYS hit
their head on…I’m going for the same thing! (I think it’s kind of ugly but it brings back good memories and even plays music!)
7. styrofoam garland my sister and I made last year during my move in phoenix. I didn’t have a tree so a few lights and this garland were all my christmas cheer.
8. vintage tree topper I bought at a thrift store…isn’t it lovely?
9. crystal (fake = plastic) ornaments that I've re purposed to make my chandelier look a tad bit more interesting. does it work...or look silly?
10. cute animal figurines that were on my mother’s mantel every year. I have inherited them and am happy to make them a part of my holiday decor.
what item(s) in your holiday decor speak to your heart?
Excellent post.
I have a nativity set that was my grandmother's. It's made of porcelain and all the pieces are wrapped in Kleenex and nestled inside a box. The Kleenex still smells like my grandma and her house - and she's been gone nearly 17 years. The Kleenex is all ripped and wadded up, but I'll never throw it away. On the outside of the box it says "porcelain nativity set made by my cousin Emma Van Treese". I really cherish this.
We have two little angel ornaments to hang on out tree - a boy for our son Matthew who was stillborn and a little girl angel for Cassidy, who lived for two hours. We'll try to get an angel dog ornament for Jeffrey, who died last April. We do have happy ornaments too, LOL. It's not a death tree, I promise.
And I LOVE my Carpenters Christmas Album.
There are 2 things that really speak to my heart. The first is my very own nativity that I collected piece by piece after I got married. I love it and love the manger my father in-law made for me. Second are these stupid elf candles that spell Joy that are in avocado green that my mom used to have displayed and I inherited them! They are hideous yet I still put them out every year!
dishes: the nativity sounds wonderful. I completely understand never throwing away the kleenex and box. the memories are precious.
death tree...funny girl! my mother also has an ornament for my brother brian who was stillborn and we have one for every pet we've ever had (and has died) so that makes 4 death ornaments for us...beat that! ;-)
and you are right, the carpenter's christmas album ROCKS. it's right up there with the johnny mathis christmas album which we listened to EVERY year while we decorated, my mom had vinyl records of them both.
hai: your manger for your nativity is so cool! jerry did an amazing job on it. your elf "joy" candles are along the same lines as my animal figurines. funny how those memories of our childhood stick around.
The antique nativity that I inherited from my grandmother, and her vintage ornaments. So pretty!
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