my grandma was very dear to me. she is gone now but she lives on in her stories and in our hearts. I am honored to have had her in my life…she was a wonderful woman who loved her husband and her family. she was a great listener, could whoop my tush any day at upwords, and taught me lots of new words when doing crosswords. she was a college graduate and a master gardener. she was beloved.

kerry park
this park is only 2 blocks from my apartment. it has great views and even some cool sculpture art that kids can climb all over. movies have featured it, postcard photos have been taken there, and couples have gotten engaged here…you should see the limos lined up on valentine’s day. every time my parents come to visit, we always take a walk and usually a few photos.

it’s funny that I don’t particularly like tomatoes (at least not huge chunks of them) but I LOVE ketchup. I love it with french fries, with hamburgers, with hotdogs, with macaroni and cheese, with meatloaf, with onion rings, and much much more. the origin of this adoration is unknown but we can thank my dad the weird food pairings. and for the record, heinz is the only ketchup…all the other stuff is crap. (and I mean that…and I know my ketchup)

Drat! We never made it back to take pictures at Kerry park - oh well - next time!
Love the picture of you and Gma Kitty. I feel blessed to have known her!!
Ketchup. . . gross!
I know, coming home after dropping you off at the airport, my first thought was that we forgot to take pictures at kerry park...bummer. there will always be next summer right?! yes, grandma kitty rocked didn't she? she loved you too! and your review of ketchup is so NOT CORRECT! hee hee
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