he is there…faithful even when I don’t see it. always my champion even when I don’t feel it myself. loving me even when I’m not so lovable.
john cusack
if you didn’t think he’d show up again you are crazy. he has this hold over me…I cannot let go of this infatuation…seriously.
in other news, hailey is here (I will blog of our girl’s weekend later) and we saw “martian child” and I LOVED IT! hailey thought it was cute but I REALLY loved it. here are a few things that spoke to me:
- it was rated PG
- john cusack was in it (c’mon, you know this would be one!)
- amanda peet is adorable in it…so sweet
- great lines: “I worry about bringing another kid into this world. but how do you argue against loving one that's already here?” and “I don't care about any of that stuff. look, this is just stuff.”
my rating: it’s a MUST see

I'm so enjoying this list thing!
Make sure to come play early tomorrow...gotta surprise for you.
I will be there...or I'll be square! I'm excited!
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