she was beautiful, humble, a talented actress and the epitome of style. I was thinking I want to try and be her for Halloween one year…picture something close to her holly golightly character from “breakfast at tiffanys.” That would be cool wouldn’t it? I have a framed poster from that movie that I got for christmas when I was in high school that is hanging in my hallway right now. there is a print at ikea that everyone keeps telling me I need so maybe I should go check it out.

aunt jenny
this is my favorite alter ego. many of my friends have children and I enjoy being “aunt jenny” to spoil them without their parent’s consent. being an aunt is the best, you get all the good parts without the sleep deprivation and crying. okay, sometimes I get the crying but only in small doses which is totally doable. an aunt’s got a cushy life for sure!
Audrey is the only movie star I've ever wished I could be. She just had "it"!
Aunt Jenny and Audrey are both fitting for "a". We wouldn't want to live without either!!
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